The Agawam Garden Club was organized May 8,1934 under the guidance of The Agawam Women’s Club. Mrs. P.V.Hastings was President at the time. Miss Pyne was asked to act as chairman of a committee to start a garden club. It was the decision of this committee to make The Agawam Garden Club an entirely separate independent organization rather than a Garden Group within the Women’s Club. The committee specifically stated that they wished the new club to be very informal and to function with the least possible red tape in the form of officers, committees, reports, dues, etc. Meetings were to be held in the members gardens as much as possible with talks by members or guests on subjects of interest to home gardeners, and open discussions of problems and achievements. Mrs. H. Preston Worden was selected as the first president, not so much for her knowledge of flower gardening, but to carry the responsibility of getting the new organization on its feet.
As the club grew and expanded its ideas and purposes, the need of more formal structure was apparent and a constitution and by-laws, and officers and committee reports were adopted. Regular meetings were held at the Agawam Library, programs were printed, garden tours conducted, flower shows and plant sales held, and community service undertaken. When the club outgrew the library in 1948 it moved its’meetings to the Captain Leonard House.
Currently the Agawam Garden Club meets March through November on the second Tuesday of the month at the Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam.